Sep 2024 Weekend with the Word

Date: Sep 7-8, 2024

Speaker: Dev Ramcharan
Topic: The Making of a Believer – God’s Hand in the Life of Peter
Schedule for Saturday:
1:00-1:30 arrival & snack for travelers
(all classes include optional time for Q&A, comments)
1:30-2:30 Class 1: Calling and Early Days
2:30-2:45 break/snack Food
2:45-3:45 Class 2: Thou Art Peter
3:45-4:00 break/snack Food
4:00-5:00 Class 3 I Don’t Know Him!
5:00-5:30 prep for dinner
5:30-6:30 dinner
6:30-7:00 clean up
7:00-8:30 YAH Family Activity
Schedule for Sunday:
9:30-9:40 Presider will open with hymn & prayer & intro
9:40-10:25 children & adult SS classes (NOT JOINT)
Adult SS class title: A Forgiven Man
10:25-10:30 dismissal of SS
10:30-11:00 break/snack
11:00-12:30 memorial service (exhortation: A Living Stone, a Holy People)
12:30-1:30 potluck lunch
1:30-2:30 clean-up/departure

As always, recordings after the weekend will be posted to Exhortations

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