2H 2021 Schedule (draft) posted

Our 2H2021 schedule isn’t quite out yet, but because people have been asking, I have posted the draft version of the schedule to the Schedule page. For the time being, we’re still holding services over Zoom, but we are likely to be moving to a more hybrid style during 2H 2021.

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Virtual VBS 2021

Our 2021 Vacation Bible School will be held virtually over Zoom from June 14 – June 18, 2021. For more information, or to register, check out http://www.rwcvacationbibleschool.com/

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1H2021 Schedule Posted

The 1H2021 Schedule has been added to the schedule page.

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2H2020 Schedule updated

Due to the continued shelter-in-place orders, the 2H2020 schedule has been updated, and now features Zoom memorial services (and Sunday Schools) until the end of the year.

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2H2020 Schedule added

The 2H2020 schedule has been added. Check it out on the Schedule page.

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Virtual VBS 2020

Due to the quarantine, our 2020 VBS is going virtual! For more details, and to sign up now, go to http://rwcvacationbibleschool.com

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1H2020 Schedule Added

The 1H2020 SFP Schedule has been added to the website. Check it out at https://sfchristadelphian.org/schedule/

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2H2019 Schedule Added

The 2H2019 SFP Schedule has been added to the Schedule page. Be sure to check it out if you haven’t already!

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NO SUNDAY SERVICE AT SFP JUNE 9th: Marinwood Sunday School Picnic

This Sunday, June 9th, there will be no service held at the SFP Hall. Instead, please go to the Marinwood Community Center at 775 Miller Creek Rd, San Rafael, CA, where Sunday School will begin at 9:45 AM, to be followed by Memorial Service, lunch, and games!

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CYC Schedule added

The 2019 NorCal CYC schedule has been added at https://sfchristadelphian.org/cyc/. Please check it out for the dates of upcoming CYC events!

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